Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Muka Gatal & Bengkak Mata Sembuh Dengan Shiruto. Kanak-kanak pun suka makan Shiruto

Thank you for sharing
Testimonial Shiruto...
Alhamdulillah...dengan ada shiruto dpt membantu memulihkan gatal² yg kluar dimuka & leher...alahan dr abuk atau pun udara..dengan shiruto alahan cpt hilang & baik.ibu² tak perlu khuatir dgn adanya Shiruto di rumah..

Shiruto adalah makanan berperisa blue berry. Kanak-kanak pun suka makan

Whatsapp +6017-333 3340 Buy Beli Shiruto

Whatsapp +6017-333 3340 Buy Beli Shiruto

Type 1 Diabetes 10 years / 10 tahun Diabetes Jenis 1 => Turun 1 minggu dengan Shiruto + Zencoso

Thank you Ivy Soo for testimonial sharing 🌹
Thanks Edward for the sharing
Suffered from Type 1 Diabetes for 10 years. It is a must for him to jab insulin daily to control his blood sugar level.
He tried Shiruto and from a High Reading.. It went down to 11.5. After that, he started taking Zencoso as well and his blood sugar level went down to 3.6!! 👀🎉 Just after 1 week of Shiruto + Zencoso!
Another Amazing Testimony!
 Whatsapp +6017-333 3340 Buy Beli Shiruto

 Whatsapp +6017-333 3340 Buy Beli Shiruto

Ulcer pain till hard to eat porridge. Heal in 2 days with Zencoso + Shiruto

Almost every year will have Ulcer outbreak.
At least 2-3 ulcer. Maximum 9 ulcer at one time.
Every year, ulcer count is increasing.

This time, there is total 13 ulcer in mouth.
It Heal, after 2 days of consuming Zencoso + Shiruto! All ulcer totally gone after 2 days!
Can you imagine it took her 1 hour to eat porridge?!
Heal after 2 days. She can attend her friend wedding.

#而且每一年ulser的数量都在增加 😱😱😱
嘴巴长了13粒的ulcer ,
竟然在服用了Zencoso Shiruto后短短2天Ulcer就完全消失了😱😱😱
感谢BE International推出这么棒的产品,
facebook live (in mandarin below) 


Friday, July 26, 2019

骨痛热症病 / Denggi /Dengue - Shiruto Testimonial

骨痛热症病列正在增加中, 请告诉骨痛热症的人, Shiruto 是可以快速提高血小板的。
:同事因为【蚊症】进了医院😨 私人医院建议去中央医院、因为她的血型是 O - 血小板也连续跌了三天、从170多点跌到107点😨
Whatsapp +6017-333 3340 Buy Beli Shiruto

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Redakan Sakit Pinggang / Perut Kembung Sembuh Dengan Seluar Aulora

Sessi temubual pendek di bulan ramadhan , berkongsi itu adalah separuh daripada Iman .

Marilah kita sama-sama Saksikan pengalaman Kak Maznah memakai Aulora Kodenshi Pants selepas 18 hari 🤗🤗

#Pinggang kurang 7 CM 😳
#Punggung Kurang 4 CM 😳
#Baru pertama Kali pakai dah dapat rasakannya ❤️
#Sakit Pinggang sudah reda ❤️
#Badan rasa ringgan dan bermaya Sekarang ❤️
#Masalah kembung perut dapat diatasi ❤️
#Masalah sakit tumit ada nampak penambahbaikan ❤️
#Untuk kesihatan memang berbaloi , duit 💰💰boleh lagi dicari .. Memang Hebat 👍👍Aulora Kodenshi Pants ☝️️


Whatsapp +6017-3333340 Saya Brian

Testimoni on SLIP DISC - Sakit 10 tahun. Dah Operate 2 kali. 🌿 Sembuh Dengan Seluar Aulora

Sesiapa yang mengalami slipped discs tu boleh la cuba dengar testimony from a staff nurse Siti Amalina Ja'afar ni bagaimana #aulora #kodenshi pants dapat membantu beliau untuk meringankan rasa sakit dan tidak selesa setelah bertahun tahun menderita.

Alhamdulillah now she can even be able to feel her leg again.

SubhanAllah semua dengan izinNya 💞💞💞


Whatsapp +6012-311 3446 saya Shidah

Slip Disc, Gastric, Pre Menopause, Muka Pucat Sembuh Dengan Seluar Aulora

Live testimonial from Ipoh.

Another proven result which shared by Puan Ina.
Let me summarize this video content.

She is 49 years old who has 4 children and 4 grandchildren.
A business woman who runs a Cafe by herself.

Health problems:
1) slip disc at L3 and L5,
2) gastric
3) pre menopause symptoms
4) pale face and weak due to her above conditions.

Spent more than RM2k in hospital and taken medicine still couldn't cure her slip disc pain.

She wore for the FIRST night and had great results, she woke up didnt feel the immerse pain at her back anymore. Her bloated stomach released gas thru burping non stop for half an hour. Face no longer pale and body feel warm.

AFTER she wears for 34 days, what she gained:
1) her HEALTH: gastric problem slowly reducing, no more pale and weak. No longer take medicines for her slip disc. Her period came back after 4 years. Body becomes warm and energetic
2)her BEAUTY: waist lost 2cm and tummy no more bloated.

Some people think it's expensive but after spending so much in hospital bills and excruciating pain, she doesn't mind to try this Kodenshi pant. And yes, Kodenshi pants didn't fail to deliver and gain her trust.


Whatsapp +6012-311 3446 saya Shidah

Seluar Aulora Kodenshi With Doctor Siti


Whatsapp +6012-311 3446 saya Shidah

Hilang 14kg Dengan Pakai Seluar Aulora


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Bertenaga Selepas Pakai Seluar Aulora Kodenshi

Terima kasih partner Farhana atas rakaman LIVE video testimoni ini 💕

Apakah yang membuat Puan Rafeah menaruh hati untuk melabur keatas aulora Pants

Bagi anda yang diluar sana yang masih ragu² lagi??😐


Whatsapp +6012-311 3446 saya Shidah

8 Kelebihan Seluar Aulora Kodenshi - Bahasa Melayu


Whatsapp +6012-311 3446 saya Shidah

Aulora Pants Malay Testi , Sakit Luntut , sakit Kaki

Testimoni Cikgu Zahratul Alwa & Cikgu Norhaizat Mokhtar Rudin memakai #Aulorapants


Whatsapp +6012-311 3446 saya Sidah

Testimonial Losing 7.4kg in 2 months with Aulora Pant Kodenshi

~ Gaining new confidence ~
Diana was in search for 'something' that could help her lose the extra pound. When she been introduced to Aulora Pants with Kodenshi® it didn't take her long to make up her mind to try it out. She now wears it all the time.

🌹 Lose 7.4kg in 2 months.
🌹 Losing inches in her arms, thighs and hip.
🌹 Feeling so energetic throughout the day.
🌹 No more procrastinating about doing errands as feeling so light and healthy.
🌹 Used to wear size 14 but now can wear size 12. Targeting to go down further to size 10.
🌹 She now can wear a size M


Whatsapp +6012-311 3446 saya Shidah

Aulora Pants With Kodenshi 博士为你讲解这条裤的秘密

4小时内一件裤子竟然让这位读高分子聚合物系 (polymer) 的Simonnez博士因为妈妈几十年的脚痛问题改善了,就是因为经朋友介绍而认识了Aulora Pants with Kodenshi 。

1 #布料和科技的真实性🙄

在还没有购买这条所谓的“神奇裤”之前Simonnez博士做了很多关于布料方面和 [远红外线] 的研究,甚至去到期刊论文(Journal paper)查看关于 [ #远红外线] 的功效,测验与用途!可以说是做足功课哦!📚📖📝✏️

到最后Simonnez不但买了Aulora Pants 给妈妈,而且妈妈穿上了Aulora Pants 2️4个小时内就有了见证,太厉害了吧😮😮😮

Simonnez后来还加入了BE 大家庭,一起和我们分享这样棒的产品给身边的亲戚朋友知道,让更多人因此而重获健康! 👉🏻连博士都👍🏻的产品,你还需要考虑吗?



Whatsapp 60173333340 Buy Beli Aulora Pant

Shiruto Testimony Baby Skin Allergy Recover


Whatsapp 60173333340 Buy Beli Shiruto

Zencoso Shiruto Testimony 水瘤 5cm不见了原来这么简单

Aulora Kodenshi Pants Testimony 骨刺 胃酸倒流 失眠

#30年骨刺问题救星 #胃酸倒流救星 全部因为一件 “ #AuloraKodenshiPants
#光电子塑身塑身裤” 而获得改善🤗

Vivian,53岁,新加坡人。 中学发生意外导致颈项长骨刺, 30多年来晚上睡觉都会因为骨刺的痛而一直醒来,所以好的睡眠对Vivian来说是很奢侈的要求 17年前开始
因为穿了裤子👖让她 #在30年后终于可以好好睡觉了!!!
#胃部也康复中 😍


Whatsapp +60173333340 Buy Beli Aulora Kodenshi Pant

Aulora Kodenshi 改善 大颈包

【大颈包 Thyroid】 . 👉 今天分享的主角患有大颈包 (Thyroid), 她得靠吃【荷尔蒙药💊】 来抑制病情... 😫 . 当她穿了 AULORA Kodenshi 裤后... 她再去【验血】, 报告你显示一直困扰着她的 👉 大颈包 (Thyroid)... 已经... 😱😱😱 ** 请看看video, 听听她本人怎样说吧 😇


Whatsapp +60173333340 Buy Beli Aulora Kodenshi Pant

正骨理疗师 对Aulora Pants With Kodenshi 专利科技的看法

Aulora Kodenshi Pants Amber Chia Also Buy


Whatsapp +60173333340 Buy Beli Aulora Kodenshi Pant

Friday, July 19, 2019

IP-PA1 Main Ingredient Shiruto / IP-PA1 bahan dalam Shiruto

SHIRUTO/AULORA PANTS/AULORA SOCK- CANCER patients sharing his testimonial from Australia

SHIRUTO/AULORA PANTS/AULORA SOCK- CANCER patients sharing his testimonial from Australia 🇦🇺 


Facebook Video Link

He does intensive treatment for radiotherapy 38times and chemotherapy for 7 time.he was suffer with the pain and he was very weak, hard to eat and drink .He got very bad burn neck like what doctor expect it will be took for 3weeks recovery but after he took the SHIRUTO it was dry very quickly like in 5 days,he very surprised hows amazing this product work,even though his doctor said it miracle🙏🏻 now he still using the product to boost his immune system and energy.

Aulora sock really help the leg no fell numbness after wear this Aulora sock 🧦

Aulora pants help him sleep well and no dizzy.


Whatsapp +60173333340 Buy Beli Shiruto 

SHIRUTO/SELUAR AULORA/AULORA SOCK- Testimoni pesakit KANSER dari Australia 🇦🇺 


Facebook Video Link

Beliau telah dirawati radioterapi 38 kali dan kemoterapi 7 kali. Beliau sangat sakit dan sangat lemah; susah nak makan dan minum. Beliau ada kesan terbakar teruk di bahagian leher dan doktor kata ia akan ambil masa 3 minggu untuk pulih. Tetapi beliau makan SHIRUTO dan kesan terbakar tersebut kering dalam 5 hari sahaja! Beliau sangat menakjub bagaimana Shiruto boleh membantu; doktor pula cakap itu satu ajaib 🙏🏻. Beliau sekarang masih guna Shiruto untuk menambah baik sistem imun dan tenaga.

Aulora sock mengelakkan kaki beliau tidak ada rasa 🧦

Seluar Aulora tolong beliau tidur dengan baik dan tidak pening.


Whatsapp +60173333340 Buy Beli Shiruto


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Testimoni Zencoso - Madam Aminah ada STAGE 4 Kidney

🌸 ZENCOSO Testimonials 🌸

Madam Aminah had been diagnosed as a STAGE 4 KIDNEY patient. She has to go for check up frequently. After consuming Zencoso for 1 bottle, she has been discharged by her doctor! Her kidney problem SOLVED! Syukran... 😍😍😍

Zencoso - The essence of plants fermented for over thousands of days. Activated enzymes that improve metabolism.

🌸 Testimoni ZENCOSO 🌸

Puan Aminah telah dapat tahu ada TAHAP 4 SAKIT BUAH PINGGANG. Beliau perlu rawati doktor kerap kali. Selepas makan 1 botol Zencoso, doktor cakap beliau tidak perlu datang lagi! Sakit Buah Pinggang beliau sudah OK! Syukran... 😍😍😍

Zencoso - Pati enzim tumbuhan ditapai lebih dari 1000 hari. Enzim yang telah diaktifkan untuk mengalakkan metabolisme.


Whatsapp +60173333340 Buy Beli Shiruto

What is Zencoso. Listen to what Dr Tokuoka

BE International - Zencoso

What difference does 5 years can make to us?

What happen to more than 70 types of fruits and vegetables after years of nurture? Will it taste better?

Let's see what Dr Tokuoka have to say about this...

Apa perbezaan antara 5 tahun?

Apa akan terjadi kepada 70 lebih jenis buah-buahan dan sayur selepas memupuk? Ia akan rasa lebih enak?

Mari dengar apa Dr Tokuoka yang bentangkan.

5年,可以为我们带来怎么样的改变?70多种蔬果在经过岁月的滋润呵护会产生怎样的变化?它们是否会变得更美味呢?来看看Dr Tokuoka怎么说。。


Prostate Cancel / Kanser Prostat Shiruto

Thanks for Billy Sew Testimonial.
Billy's father found out that he has Prostate Cancer on December 2018.
His Prostate-specific antigen (PSA Reading 1471.8ng/mL)
Cured after 6 months!!!

Jan 2019       - Start consuming #Zencoso
24 Jan 2019  - Operation
29 Jan 2019 - Start consuming #Shiruto
27 Feb 2019 - Body checkup (PSA Reading 37.96 ng/mL)
11 Apr 2019 - Body checkup (PSA Reading 3.5 ng/mL)

13 Jun 2019 - Body checkup (PSA Reading 1.1 ng/mL) 😱😱😱😱

Whatsapp +60173333340 Buy Beli Shiruto

Terima Kashi Testimoni Billy Sew.
Bapa Billy terdapat tahu ada Kanser Prostat pada Disember 2018.
Pemeriksaan Badan (Bacaan PSA 1471.8ng/mL)
Sembuh Selepas 6 Bulan!!

Jan 2019       - Mula makan #Zencoso
24 Jan 2019  - Operasi Pembedahan
29 Jan 2019 - Mula Makan #Shiruto
27 Feb 2019 - Pemeriksaan Badan (Bacaan PSA 37.96 ng/mL)
11 Apr 2019 - Pemeriksaan Badan (Bacaan PSA 3.5 ng/mL)
13 Jun 2019 - Pemeriksaan Badan (BacaanPSA 1.1 ng/mL) 😱😱😱😱

Whatsapp +60173333340 Buy Beli Shiruto

Billy Sew 的爸爸,在2018年12月,
证实患上 #前列腺癌 (指数 1471.8 ng/ml)。
#6个月后的现在已被证实痊愈 !!!
2019年1月开始服用 #Zencoso
2019年1月29日开始服用 #Shiruto
(指数 37.96 ng/ml)。
(指数 3.5 ng/ml)。
(指数 1.1 ng/ml)。😱😱😱😱
 Facebook Video Link (in mandarin)

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Scald by Hot Water / Kulit Terbakar Air Panas Shiruto

Thanks for Mayee Phang's father testimonial.
Her father is scald by hot water when her father wanted to drink water in care center. Majoirity scald on hand and back.

Due to her father has skin sensitive and diabetes, she afraid that her father wound is hard to heal. She bought Shiruto for her father; hoping that her father to recover faster. She gave her father 2 sachets of Shiruto in morning, another 2 sachets of shiruto at night. After 3 months, her father recovered a lot!

She was surprised too when she saw her father head which is bald for long time started to grow with a lot of tiny hair. Thanks for BE International to introduce such great product - Shiruto; which help her father to recover fast.
Whatsapp +60173333340 Buy Beli Shiruto

Terima kasih atas testimoni Bapa Mayee Phang
Bapa beliau telah terbakar oleh air panas bila hendak minum air di pusat rawatan. Air panas telah terbakar kulit di bahagian tangan dan balakang.

Oleh kerana bapa beliau ada kulit sensitif dan kencing manis, beliau takut kulit bapanya susah nak sembuh. Jadi beliau pun berikan Shiruto untuk bapanya; semoga Shiruto dapat membantu. /
Beliau berikan 2 bungkus kecil shiruto - 1 kali pagi & 1 kali malam. Selepas 3 bulan, kulit bapanya sembuh dengan cepat.
Beliau juga terperanjat bila nampak kepala bapanya yang tak ada rambut pun sudah keluar banyak rambut halus. Terima kasih BE International memperkenalkan Shiruto - produk yang baik sekali; yang menolong bapanya sembuh dengan cepat.

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这是Mayee Phang爸爸的见证。
爸爸在疗养院时候想喝水,却不小心打翻了热水壶,被热水烫伤了了大面积的手和背后。因为父亲本身也有一像有皮肤敏感和糖尿病,我怕他的伤口发言难愈合。我想到shiruto可以提高自身免疫能力和帮助修复伤口。我马上给他服用早两包,晚两包。 服了三个月,伤口很快就康复了许多。我也意外发现,爸爸几十年的光头,长了许多小头发。谢谢Be International 带来了这么好的产品,让我的爸爸能够那么快就好起来。

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10 years rare skin disease after giving birth / masalah kulit 10 tahun selepas beranak Shiruto

Her skin problem started after giving birth. Everyday she suffered of itchiness and pain. This problem is with her for the last 10 years!

She visited skin specialist in Kuala Lumpur and doctor advised her that this is a rare skin disease. There is no cure for it and she can only consume medicine to control. She tried to apply steroid and other treatments; however the problem still persist; sometime it even causes edema.

Later she visited another skin specialist in Johor Bahru, doctor immediately told her that there is no cure for her skin even without diagnosis.

6 July 2019. She bought 1 box of Shiruto from her friend to try. She took 2 sachet of shiruto everyday. She felt her skin has improvement, less itchy.

Until today, she was shock when she compare her skin photo after 1 week consuming shiruto. She is very confident that shiruto will help her and strongly recommend this to those with skin problem.

Whatsapp +60173333340 Buy Beli Shiruto

Beliau telah mengalami masalah kulit selama 10 tahun selepas beranak. Setiap hari, beliau disesak oleh kesahitan dan kulit gatal.

Beliau telah melawat doktor kulit pakar di Kuala Lumpur. Doctor nasihat beliau ada masalah kulit yang jarang dijumpai. Hanya boleh dikawal dengan makan ubat. Beliau telah cuba steroid dan pelbagai rawatan tetapi masalah kulit masih tidak dapat dirawati.

Beliau juga melawati doktor kulit pakar di Johor Bahru. Doktor terus nasihat beliau bahawa masalah kulit beliau tidak dapat dirawati.

7 Julai 2019. Beliau telah beli 1 kotak shiruto dari kawannya untuk cuba. Setiap hari, beliau makan 2 bungkus kecil shiruto. Masalah kegatalan kulti telah dikurangkan.

Beliau mendapati gambar kulitnya banyak berbeza selepas makan shiruto 1 minggu. Masalah kulitnya telah banyak dikurangkan. Beliau sangat gembira dan ada keyakinan bahawa shiruto akan membantunya.

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 自从生了小孩之后,皮肤 就开始出现问题,每天承受着 疼痛和皮肤奇痒的症状。这问题到现在已经困扰了她整整10年!!
7月6号在朋友的推荐下,就买了一盒 Shiruto 来尝试。每天服用2包,皮肤感觉有改善,也没那么痒。直到今天拍照对比下,发现皮肤有惊人的改善。Shiruto一星期就改善困扰了她10年的问题,她现在对产品十分有信心💪,也非常感恩朋友的推荐👏

Whatsapp +60173333340 Buy Beli Shiruto

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Major Bone Cracked. Tulang Patah Shiruto

She is a yoga teacher.  She had an accident in May 2018. Her leg bone (femur) was breaked into 4 pieces.

After surgery, her leg bone is fixed with 12 screws and steel plate. She needs to have monthly regularly to the doctor to check her bone healing progress.

On December 2018, she got to know her bone healing progress is slow, below expectation. Thus, doctor needs to extract her bone marrow to paste the crack bones.

She felt pain everyday even before extracting bone marrow. In addition, there might be side effect after the bone marrow extraction. So she asked doctor whether can let her bone heal slowly. But doctor commented that it is hard to completely heal after 6 months. Doctor wants her to decide on the bone marrow extraction in her next visit.

Thanks to her upline Pei Sun who left 1 box of Shiruto for me to try, and miracle happens!

In her next visit, doctor surprised that her bone starts healing! He asked what did she did / taken. She replied the only different is she took Shiruto.

She immediately hand over Shiruto information for doctor to check. Doctor googled and found IP-PA1 elements encourage repair of cells. He advised to keep consuming Shiruto; without bone marrow extraction. She slowly heal and started to walk without crutch. Doctor changed her monthly regular visit to 6 months.

During her last visit after 6 months, her bone is completely heal. Doctor wanted to remove the screws and steel plate from her bone in her next visit. Doctor was amazed with the result and he requested more Shiruto detail information; in order to recommend it to his other patient with same problem.

还没抽第一反应就已经感觉痛了😅 听说抽骨髓和后遗症都很痛,就问医生能不能让它自己慢慢愈合,我不赶时间。
非常感谢我的上线 Pei Sun 她在Shiruto launching的时候留了一盒给我试,奇迹发生了。。。
立刻把带在身上的Shiruto交给医生检查,他一上网看就知道 IPPA1这个成份是能帮助修复细胞,一句这个有帮助你继续吃。不用抽骨髓,也可以慢慢不用拐杖学走路了,复诊也从每个月换成半年。
半年后今年6月去复诊,一见面医生就询问我关于Shiruto的资料,因为我的骨完全愈合了,下一次见面就是我拿螺丝出来。他说大部分像我的病人都恢复很慢,要介绍Shiruto 给他们。能留下你的name card吗?

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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Eczema Hand Leg Back / Ezkema Kaki Tangan Belakang Shiruto

Shiruto Boost Hair Growth / Shiruto Galakkan Tumbuhan Rambut

PM me 🤗 +60173333340 for more details on Shiruto Vitamin of Immunity

PM me 🤗 +60173333340 for more details on Shiruto Vitamin of Immunity

Shiruto Helps Crohns Disease

Shiruto Vitamin of Immunity👍🏽👍🏽

Remember the story - how Dato Edward managed to regain his life from #Crohnsdisease, with just 4 sachets of #Shiruto. We have privileged to meet him personally today! 😊

🔺he suffered Crohn's disease for 2 -3 years.
🔺spent more than RM1million
 for medical treatment.
🔺bed ridden for 2.5 months in the hospital.🔺Amituofo~🙏 he was able to sit up after 2 days of taking shiruto.

PM me 🤗 +60173333340 for more details on Shiruto Vitamin of Immunity

PM me 🤗 +60173333340 for more details on Shiruto Vitamin of Immunity

What is Shiruto? Apa itu Shiruto