She is a yoga teacher. She had an accident in May 2018. Her leg bone (femur) was breaked into 4 pieces.
After surgery, her leg bone is fixed with 12 screws and steel plate. She needs to have monthly regularly to the doctor to check her bone healing progress.
On December 2018, she got to know her bone healing progress is slow, below expectation. Thus, doctor needs to extract her bone marrow to paste the crack bones.
She felt pain everyday even before extracting bone marrow. In addition, there might be side effect after the bone marrow extraction. So she asked doctor whether can let her bone heal slowly. But doctor commented that it is hard to completely heal after 6 months. Doctor wants her to decide on the bone marrow extraction in her next visit.
Thanks to her upline Pei Sun who left 1 box of Shiruto for me to try, and miracle happens!
In her next visit, doctor surprised that her bone starts healing! He asked what did she did / taken. She replied the only different is she took Shiruto.
She immediately hand over Shiruto information for doctor to check. Doctor googled and found IP-PA1 elements encourage repair of cells. He advised to keep consuming Shiruto; without bone marrow extraction. She slowly heal and started to walk without crutch. Doctor changed her monthly regular visit to 6 months.
During her last visit after 6 months, her bone is completely heal. Doctor wanted to remove the screws and steel plate from her bone in her next visit. Doctor was amazed with the result and he requested more Shiruto detail information; in order to recommend it to his other patient with same problem.
还没抽第一反应就已经感觉痛了😅 听说抽骨髓和后遗症都很痛,就问医生能不能让它自己慢慢愈合,我不赶时间。
非常感谢我的上线 Pei Sun 她在Shiruto launching的时候留了一盒给我试,奇迹发生了。。。
立刻把带在身上的Shiruto交给医生检查,他一上网看就知道 IPPA1这个成份是能帮助修复细胞,一句这个有帮助你继续吃。不用抽骨髓,也可以慢慢不用拐杖学走路了,复诊也从每个月换成半年。
半年后今年6月去复诊,一见面医生就询问我关于Shiruto的资料,因为我的骨完全愈合了,下一次见面就是我拿螺丝出来。他说大部分像我的病人都恢复很慢,要介绍Shiruto 给他们。能留下你的name card吗?
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