他穿了半年的 #前列腺 #AuloraPants 见证 - 1年前发生车祸后就发现小便不顺,才知道患有前列腺 #每个晚上睡觉的时候也一直要排尿。一晚大概要上6-7次。 影响睡眠。现在已减少到2-3次。人也感觉比较 #精神👍🏻 -1年前的车祸后也导致 #容易怕冷。 每一天晚上睡觉都需要穿手套🧤,袜子🧦和盖被。才能让自己保暖 - 工作导致 #腰酸背痛, 想要站起来时都需要扶着腰才能慢慢站起来,舒缓疼痛。现在不在腰痛了, #脚也比较有力了 - #肚腩瘦了很多 从 34‘ 到 31’ 腰 - #便秘问题改善,比较顺畅了 #BEInternational #促进血液循环 #找回了健康
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His uncle testimonial after wearing Aulora Part for 6 months. His uncle discovered that he has Prostate problem. He has to wake up to pee 6-7 times every night. This effect his sleeping quality. When he wakes up, he needs to stand up slowly and hold his waist to reduce pain.
After wearing Aulora Pant, every night he only needs to wake up 2-3 times and his waist is not pain anymore. He felt that his leg has strength, tummy becomes smaller 34" to 31", constipation problem improves and he found his health.
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