Friday, August 16, 2019

脚没力 ,没精神 -> 走完香港迪士尼 / weak leg, no energy -> walk etire Disneyland HK - Zencoso + 光电子裤 Aulora Pant

Lmo 阿姨  #Zencoso + Aulora見證分享 🙏🏻 - 還沒開刀之前,腳沒了力
- #腦中風 #胃裡5cm瘤 完全沒有症状
- 動了手術後 沒力 也沒有精神氣魄
- 出院了3個星期 沒有放氣 很辛苦
- 穿了 #AuloraPants 3天後 可以放氣了
- 穿了7天後 可以出國香港旅行 - 可以走完迪士尼樂園 #不需靠輪椅
- 加上Zencoso 恢復得很快 很有精神和氣魄


Thanks for Aunt Lmo Testimonial for Zencoso + Aulora Pant
- before operation, her leg is weak
- brain tumor,  5cm tumor in her stomach (both no symptom)
- after operation, no energy and painful, 'wind in her stomach' is not release
- 3 weeks after hospital discharge, still no energy and feeling bad
- after wearing Aulora Pant for 3 days, 'wind in her stomach' released
- after wearing Aulora Pant for 7 days, can travel to Hong Kong. Can finish walking in entire Disneyland by her own. No need to sit on wheel chair
-  Plus she consumed Zencoso, speedy recover, boost energy and spirit

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